ICT and intercultural understanding

Intercultural understanding:

Commencing this assessment, I was interested in enhancing my learning of a different religion to be more aware of my surroundings. I focused on the Islamic religion due to having similarities to Christianity, for example, Lent and Ramadan; where during lent individuals fast for 40 days to turn away from temptations, repent, and ask for forgiveness from God to receive his mercy. Muslims fast for 30 days, to practice self-discipline and sacrifice and refocus their attention on Allah.


Another example of similarities involves believing in God, and the difference is how Christians perceive Jesus as the Son of God and sinless; while Islam believes Jesus was a significant prophet of God, not the Son of God nor a part of the Trinity, however, He was created to be like Adam.


I have learned the importance of being self-aware and respecting those who hold different beliefs from me by developing an insightful approach to accepting that everyone is entitled to pursue their own spiritual beliefs. I can carry this knowledge with me and have a humble approach to the Islamic religion because even though there are differences, there are also similarities within Christianity. Overall, a positive outcome was established by removing all the misconceptions portrayed on the social platforms.


Information and communication technology:

This assessment has helped improved my ICT skills by bringing my vision to life by identifying which sources were credible to use. With the many resources available online, it allowed me to go the extra mile to think outside the box and be creative to develop a website blog on both Islam and Christian beliefs. I was challenged to be critical and creative by constantly questioning whether my research tied in well with the images chosen as well as the provided information.


